Enabling the Joint Force
About L3Harris
Trusted Mission Partner
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L3Harris is a Trusted Mission Partner – a technology focused team of scientists, engineers, and dedicated professionals backed by an industry leading ~4% Internal Research and Development (IR&D) investment developing innovative, affordable solutions for today’s critical missions in support of US Army requirements. Scroll down to learn more about where our IR&D investments are making a difference in full-spectrum, all-domain operations across the Army’s 8 cross-functional teams.
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Over 160 Reconfigurable Multimission Payloads Serve Government and Commercial Missions
1M+ Tactical Radios Delivered
A Top 5 Supplier on the
F-35 Platform, Delivering Mission Critical Technology
Over 5,000 WESCAM MX-Series Turrets Fielded Across More Than 80 Countries and Over 200 Platforms
1M+ Hours of F-16
Training Since 1982
Delivered More Than 300 Autonomous Unmanned Undersea Vehicles (UUVs)
Over 100 Mesh Reflectors
Navigation Technology on Every U.S. GPS Satellite
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Proud Platinum Sponsor
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L3Harris is a proud supporter of the StellarXplorers Program, AFA’s national high school space challenge
Proud Platinum Sponsor
L3Harris is a Trusted Mission Partner for Today's Critical Mission Needs
Mission Ready Training
Mission systems integration
Proud Platinum Sponsor
L3Harris is a proud supporter of the StellarXplorers Program, AFA’s national high school space challenge
Proud Platinum Sponsor
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Modernized Precision Weapons
Ruggedized Sensor Package
and Fuzing
Aerial Layer
Modernized APNT User Equipment
L3Harris provides innovative and enabling technologies to deliver enhanced lethality across the spectrum of Precision Fires. Developing advanced fuzing and next generation proximity sensor solutions to support LRPF artillery fires. Current provider of the Safe & Arm device for the traditional PGK, incumbent fuze provider for the legacy ATACMS missile, and future fuzing solutions for the Precision Strike Missile (PrSM). and GMLRS-ER fuzing efforts for LRPF deep fires.
Features: Electronic Safe & Arm Devices/Fuzes (ESAD/ESAF), Ignition Safety Devices (ISD), Proximity/Height of Burst (HOB) Sensors
Benefits: Increased reliability and survivability, proven safety for rocket motor ignition, selectable effects for enhanced lethality
Engagement and Fuzing Solutions for Precision Fires
L3Harris’ Modernized GPS Receiver (MGPSR), standalone or when coupled with its Enhanced Anti-Jam Module, are designed and developed to ensure survivability and performance in today’s and the future’s enhanced threat battlefield environments. The MGPSR/EAJ combination provide advanced capability beyond the currently fielded systems in areas of robust modernized signal availability, Blue Force Electronic Attack (BFEA) capability, Anti-Spoof enhancements, and modernized security including improved cryptography and information assurance. Packaged in a miniaturized, ruggedized, improved reliability form factor needed for todays fielded and future US Army projectiles and missiles, L3H's solution provides enhanced precision capability to the ensuring accurate delivery of munition-to-target, when it counts!
Features: Modernized GPS/ Enhanced Anti-Jam, Advanced PGM APNT, miniaturized, ruggedized, reliable
Benefits: LRPF survivability and performance, enhanced threat environment capable, battlefield hardened
Modernized Precision Weapons
The WESCAM MX™-10D is used by militaries on a global scale for low-altitude tactical surveillance & target acquisition and designation missions requiring low-weight installation flexibility from fixed-wing, rotary-wing, UAV and aerostat platforms.
Features: Supports up to six sensors simultaneously, Superior HD
imaging resolution from Electro-Optical (EO) camera, Laser rangefinder, illuminator, designator
Benefits: Fielded and proven performance, Current USG and FMS operational use, production ready
Ruggedized Sensor Package MX™-10
Position Navigation Assembly (PNA) & Dynamic Reference Unit-Hybrid-Replacement (DRU-H-R) for Modernized Warfare
The MLRS (M270 Platform) using the PNA with an embedded GPS, is upgradable to meet the future M-Code requirements. The HIMARS Missile Launcher platforms use the Upgrades Position Navigation Unit (UPNU) an older version of the PNA with the same functionality. The PNA and UPNU also provides a “hot start” the initial starting coordinates for the guided missiles just prior to firing.
Features: High Performance RLG, MOSA, High Commonality with other Programs
PNA Benefits: Azimuth Probable Error 40% better than Spec, M-Code Upgradeable, Low Life Cycle Cost
DRU-H-R Benefits: High Pointing and Stabilization Accuracy, Easily Upgradable, Low Life Cycle Cost, Extended Firing Range to 70km
The Paladin M109A6 and M109A7 use the Dynamic Reference Unit-Hybrid-Replacement (DRU-H-R) to assist in accurately pointing the vehicles weapon and to navigate the vehicle.
MAPS generates APNT in severe EW environments faced by ground vehicles. L3Harris supports the General Dynamics Mission Systems’ GPS Source MAPS GEN I.X solution with TruNav-M, providing core anti-jam, anti-spoof and M-code GPS tracking capabilities.
Mounted APNT System
Long Range Precision Fires And Assured PNT
L3Harris’ Long-Range Precision Fires provide a wide portfolio of fuzing and precision guidance subsystems, and systems for the Department of Defense and international allies. The LRPF teams specialize in the design and manufacture of build-to-print and modernized fuze solutions, ignition safety devices, proximity sensors, inertial measurement units and intelligence management systems.
L3Harris is leading GPS and alternative PNT modernization efforts across space, control and user equipment domains to enable our forces and critical infrastructure to maintain high levels of confidence in position and time accuracy, authenticity, and integrity in anticipated threat environments.
L3Harris provides technologies that deliver agile next generation capabilities optimized to meet the demands of high-intensity warfighting against top adversaries. These technologies meet the Army’s requirements for being lethal, survivable, and most importantly, upgradeable, to meet future requirements as mission profiles continue to evolve.
L3Harris plays a valuable role in national security by ensuring that our men and women in uniform are equipped with the most innovative solutions available. Our directed energy solutions have been deployed in theater to the warfighter. Our systems have successful engagements with a variety of threats and have proven high lethality with proven hit-to-kill. L3Harris beam directors characterized by operation effectiveness, operational suitability and survivability.
The beam director is forward deployable, close to the origin of the threat, and acts as force multiplier by providing early warning of launches and provides the ability to quickly engage and neutralize the threat.
The beam director is part of a weapon system. Our beam director is the “gun” that shoots the laser “bullet.” It is the ruggedized telescope that points and stabilizes the laser beam and keeps it on the moving target. While exposed to all environments, the beam director guides and focuses the lethal laser energy from the large laser source and projects it onto the target.
Range Targeting
L3Harris’ beam director provides the warfighter a decisive tactical advantage by providing accurate ranging to targets.
Enhanced ISR
Drawing on our heritage of excellence in optics and expertise in modern control techniques, L3Harris’ beam director provides enhanced ISR. Giving warfighters the prosecute targets at greater distance enhancing the ability to detect, recognize and identify targets.
Counter Rocket, Artillery, Mortar (C-RAM)
Counter Rocket, Artillery, Mortar (C-RAM)
Directed energy weapons have low cost-per-shot and high number of target engagements that can be completed before refueling.
L3Harris has been setting new standards for the speed and precision of the beam director, enabling the system to engage swarms of UASs. The ability to quickly and precisely project this lethal energy onto maneuvering and fast-moving targets that are difficult to engage with conventional munitions is a critical advantage of laser weapon systems.
Counter ISR
Counter UAS
Proven Directed Energy Performance
Superior Situational Awareness to Synchronize Direct Fire Assets
Utilizing secure, assured communications and resilient cybersecurity measures, US Forces are able to effectively destroy all enemy assets by defeating all forms of enemy contact in a multi-domain operational engagement.
Superior Situational Awareness to Synchronize Direct Fire Assets
RCVs and OMFVs continue to communicate without detection; OMFVs can securely maneuver RCVs without detection.
Enhanced Lethality
RCVs provide real-time battle damage assessment (BDA).
Seamless Integration with Long Range Precision Fire Capabilities
Due to COP, targeting through in-direct assets is seamless and lethality is enhanced greatly.
Early Identification of Enemy Assets During Movement to Contact
RCVs are able to pass secure, assured communications between air and ground assets creating a mutually understood common operation picture (COP).
Defeating Multi-Domain Threats Through Standoff and Cyber Resiliency
OMFVs maneuver RCVs through the denied area to identify initial enemy positions. OMFVs and RCVs are able to communicate via LPI/LPD waveform to develop a targeting solution.
Resilient Cybersecurity on Next Generation Combat Vehicles
RCVs maneuver into denied area where enemy forces are positioned in a hasty defense. Enemy conducts broad cyber-attacks, but is denied due to inherent cybersecurity controls.
The WESCAM MX-GCS is an independent stabilized sighting system ideal for Gunner Sight, Commander Sight, situational awareness missions from Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs) and Main Battle Tanks (MBTs).
Gunner Sight: Can identify threats beyond the range of the vehicle’s weapon system, allowing for standoff distance engagements at maximum effective ranges.
Commander Sight: Provides vehicle commanders the ability to scan for, identify and track targets (Hunter) independent of the gunner system, hand-off identified threats between target acquisition systems (Killer) or fire weapons autonomously from the commander position.
Enabling Next Generation C5ISR Capabilities
US forces SP and maneuver to short halt prior to entering denied area.
L3Harris has demonstrated success against rockets, missiles, artillery and mortars. L3Harris beam directors aperture size range from 10cm to 40+cm and can accommodate 10-500kW of laser power.
L3Harris supports Air and Missile Defense with integrated solutions that detect, track, identify and defeat fires from manned and unmanned aerial vehicles.
Spectrum Monitoring
and Mitigation
Innovative and
Intuitive Robots
Electronic Warfare and
Cyber Capabilities
Automated Recognition and Target Classification
Spectrum Monitoring and Mitigation
L3Harris’ radio frequency (RF) interference monitoring and mitigation systems provide a high-performance, low-risk solution to protecting satellite and terrestrial data from harmful RF interference. With a flexible, software-defined architecture, systems are scalable to respond to expanded spectrum sharing and new interference sources. The single antenna autonomously, automatically and instantly detects and classifies interference from multiple sources.
Electronic Warfare and Cyber Capabilities
CMOSS based Open System designed for tactical multifunction EW operations – Dismounted, Mounted, and Fixed site. Enable the EW Network as a weapon by connecting with the AN/PRC-163 radio to gain network level situational awareness and operation at each node with our application. 3 Slots, MORA radiohead, support, attack, cyber, and denied environment networking functions.
Innovative and Intuitive Robotics
L3Harris has created robotic systems with innovative and intuitive haptic control that provides operators with crisp, real-time feedback to enhance situational awareness for robotic manipulation in harsh environments. Our robotic solutions execute a wide range of missions including explosive ordnance disposal; chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosives detection; intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; and hazardous materials clearance.
Automated Target Detection and Classification
When powered by L3Harris’ FarSight Automated Target Detection and Classification processor, our MOSA Counter UAS optimized gimbal enables automated UAS detection and target classification capability with an affordable, modular, and scalable pan/tilt/zoom optical tracking and ranging system. Typical payloads include high-definition (HD) mid-wave infrared continuous zoom cameras, HD color/NIR continuous zoom cameras, and laser range finders.
L3Harris delivers integrated all-domain solutions that provide unprecedented lethality, mobility, protection and situational awareness. These capabilities enable the soldier to see farther, faster and with greater precision and situational awareness than ever before. These solutions enable quicker decision making to ensure the soldier achieves overmatch capability on the battlefield while ultimately safeguarding them from harm.
L3Harris is at the forefront of integrating and automating learning science models into an adaptive training system framework that optimizes training effectiveness in real time, across a wide variety of complex, dynamic and high-stress training environments.
Use of U.S. DoD visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.
This composite scenario is not intended to represent any actual events and is used for illustrative purposes.
All views networked and fed back to Forward Operating Base
Ground thermal view targeted
Fused view
Ground thermal view inset
Overhead thermal view from air
Squad Architecture
Synthetic Training
Providing soldier/squad overmatch with increased lethality, mobility, protection and situational awareness
Unlimited immersive integrated tactical scenarios using STE VR or ENVG-B in any environment
Realistic virtual reality and ENVG-B
embedded synthetic solutions
Command and Control
Situational Awareness
Squad as an Integrated Combat Platform
Providing Solutions for the Adaptive Squad Architecture
Integrated Situational Awareness
Rapid Target Acquisition/AR
Advanced Protection
S/W Enabled Capabilities
Night Vision
Synthetic Training Environment
Squad Support
Decisive Lethality
Soldier as an Integrated Weapons Platform
Providing Solutions for the Adaptive Squad Architecture
Provides targeting and identification in all battlefield conditions and light levels. Smart battery pack adds wireless communications, Rapid Target Acquisition (RTA) and Augmented Reality (AR). Uses image intensification technology fused with thermal imagery; thereby, bridging the gap in performance and capability for both of these sensors.
Enhanced Night Vision Goggle - Binocular
Delivers mission critical information directly to the eye of the soldier during daytime operations. The L3Harris daytime display can be used as a stand-alone system or coupled with an L3Harris I2 goggle platform for nighttime operations.
Daytime Display
Provides aiming and illumination capability in low light and dark conditions by incorporating visible and infrared aiming as well as variable divergence infrared illumination in a small, lightweight and rugged system. Since 2004, L3Harris has shipped more than 256,000 ATPIALs to customers around the world.
Advanced Target Pointer Iluminator Aiming Laser
Provides the operator more visual information for assessment and acquisition. Rotating binocular design allows low profile against helmet when stowed and ability to use as a single monocular.
AN/PVS-31A BNVD – White Phosphor
Binocular Night Vision Device
Provides increased performance at reduced Size, Weight and Power (SWaP) along with Near Infrared (NIR) illuminator beam for increased situational awareness.
Next Generation Aiming Laser
Provides soldiers with heightened performance and enhanced visibility at extended range during field maneuvers, surveillance and engagement.
Small Tactical Optical Rifle-Mounted Micro-Laser Rangefinder II
L3Harris delivers multi-domain dominance through spectrum superiority giving today’s warfighters the decisive edge against near-peer adversaries. Data-centric intel keeps missions better informed and more agile while maintaining resilient communications in denied or degraded environments. Our software-defined radios and network systems ensure seamless upgrades to future Army requirements and next-generation capabilities.
L3Harris supports the U.S. Army's FVL MOSA vision with a focus on affordability, reduced schedule, true open architecture and rapid insertion of capabilities to achieve overmatch in an ever-changing environment.
Link 16
HF Links
Soldier Tactical Communications
Easy-to-use soldier communications providing connectivity for IVAS and Nett Warrior at the Edge.
Resilient Waveform Suite
L3Harris invites you meet with our product team to learn more about our suite of true resilient and LPI/ LPD waveform capabilities.
Please reach out via the chat bubble in the lower right to learn more and schedule your meeting today.
RF-7850W (HCLOS)
Roaming and multi-hop relay technologies support sharing of near real-time, high-definition ISR video and data for on-the-move operations in vehicular, maritime and airborne environments.
AN/PRC-158 (Manpack)
AN/PRC-160 (Manpack)
RF-7850W (HCLOS)
HalcyonLink™ uses interference cancellation to restore tactical communications links that would otherwise be degraded by interference from co-located EW systems.
AN/PRC-158 (Manpack)
AN/PRC-160 (Manpack)
RF-7850W (HCLOS)
AN/PRC-160 (Manpack)
The market’s only standalone solution for Beyond-Line-Of-Sight communications in the absence of satellite. Meets new NSA crypto-modernization standard. Software-defined architecture allows encryption updates.
AN/PRC-158 (Manpack)
AN/PRC-160 (Manpack)
RF-7850W (HCLOS)
AN/PRC-158 (Manpack)
NSA certified for voice and data up to Top Secret and delivers superior communications security along with mission flexibility. Compact, powerful and modular, this two-channel solution covers the full 30-2500MHz frequency range and is 30% smaller than similar products.
AN/PRC-158 (Manpack)
AN/PRC-160 (Manpack)
RF-7850W (HCLOS)
Fully mobile, high-bandwidth, long-range, line-of-site connectivity between LANs using highband networking waveform (HNW)POC. Designed for ease and speed-of-use, system is configurable enough for small combat units as well as Army division/brigade/battalion network backbone applications.
AN/PRC-158 (Manpack)
AN/PRC-160 (Manpack)
RF-7850W (HCLOS)
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Touch Anywhere to Close
Through a Ku-Band directional antenna, a user can automatically track a target platform even when the vehicle they are operating is in motion. This allows for assured communications while moving along rough terrain.
On-the-Move Directional Link
Leveraging existing ROVER® communications infrastructure, our ground ISR transceivers provide air-to-ground interoperability and ground-to-air networking. The network allows for Digitally Aided Close Air Support (DaCAS), ground position sharing, chat and large file transfer capabilities.
Handheld ISR Transceivers
L3Harris is proud to serve as a prime communications systems integrator on key unmanned platforms such as the Predator, Reaper and Global Hawk. Our expertise in providing line-of-sight, beyond-line-of-sight and SATCOM communication systems ensures the warfighter can receive real-time ISR and other broadband data transmissions to accomplish the mission.
Livestreaming the Battle
Our miniature transceivers come as small as a deck of cards. The multi-band, low-SWaP, wideband data links are highly interoperable and support a variety of waveforms and data rates. This capability is well-suited for UAVs such as L3Harris' Future Vertical Lift platform, the FVR-90, which features our new
MX™-8 sensor and the Bandit radio.
Miniature Secure ISR Data Link for UAVs
Providing the warfighter with connectivity to nearly all airborne- and space-based ISR platforms, L3Harris' wideband surface terminals are capable of data rates up to 274 Mbps. They deliver real-time, full-motion video for situational awareness, targeting, battle damage assessment, surveillance and convoy operations.
Wideband Surface Terminal
Our Network Control System provides ISR situational awareness and management of multiple video feeds from airborne, ground, maritime and mobile vehicles. The system is used for ISR network planning and simulations, command and control visualization, and situational awareness to exploit and disseminate video and data over multiple networks.
Network Management
We developed a battlefield-proven ground network node that can receive and distribute ISR feeds in theater. Additional FEURY sites multiply the amount of ISR available to units and give combat airmen the edge over their adversaries.
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Full-Motion Video Extension Relay
Our highly interoperable family of data link systems is adaptable to provide manned-unmanned teaming between any airborne or ground platform. The systems provide unparalleled interoperability, rapid connectivity and a high-speed communications backbone that enhances operations between manned aircraft, UAVs and soldiers on the ground.
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Manned-Unmanned Teaming
L3Harris' Widow® Mission Execution Software provides a common operating picture by intelligently combining video feeds, imagery, geospatial data and maps with tools that allow operators to maximize mission focus. Its modular and scalable design enables users to tailor their user interfaces for various mission and system demands. Widow provides up to eight displays, all contained in one simple and intuitive layout, and is uniquely tailored for ISR and strike platforms.
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Integrated Common Operating Picture
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Self-Protection Systems
Air Launch Effects (ALE)
Communications & Data Links
Advanced Avionics
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Air Launch Effects (ALE)
L3Harris is delivering an advanced UAS capable of supporting FVL platforms in highly contested areas. ALE embraces MOSA and advanced capabilities to bring fused capability to support Army all-domain operations.
Advanced Avionics
L3Harris brings true Modular Open Systems Architecture (MOSA) avionics to FVL, eliminating vendor lock, driving affordability and setting the stage for future capability advancements.
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Multi-Function Processing
L3Harris brings over 35 years of innovative mission systems processing and networking experience to integrated core processors for combat aircraft. Learn more >
Airborne Surveillance and Reconnaissance
Providing forces with an advantage in any low-visibility/no-visibility environment, L3Harris has introduced higher sensitivity EO/IR cameras in their WESCAM MX airborne product line. Learn more >
Ultra-High Definition, Day/Night Multifunction Displays
L3Harris’ self-contained, fault-tolerant, multifunction display provides an optimal balance of exceptional performance, life-cycle affordability, low risk, and long-term supportability. Learn more >
High-Performing Digital Mapping
FliteScene is a real-time high-performance digital mapping solution that can support any platform with advanced features. Learn more >
Data Storage & Common Data Loader
The L3Harris CDL is a ruggedized storage system designed for use in military and commercial aviation applications. Learn more >
About FVR
Experience ENVG-B
Provides an integrated approach to targeting by combining range-finding capability, ballistic computation and environmental sensors that increase the probability of accurate targeting while decreasing the time to engage a threat. The NGSW-FC will support many of the current and future weapon platforms used by the Army.
Next Generation Squad Weapon – Fire Control (NGSW-FC)
All-Domain, Live, Virtual Constructive Environments:
Big Top Olympus
L3Harris NTS-3 will advance APNT technology across space, ground control, and end-user segments.
L3Harris’s novel integration of electronically-steerable phased-array antennas, flexible waveform generators, and commercial off-the-shelf technologies helped them secure the NTS-3 contract in December 2018.
L3Harris Completes Critical Design Review
NTS-3 Experimental Satellite
DAPS generates APNT in EW environments faced by dismounted users. DAPS hosts the GB-GRAM-M and non-GPS aids able to navigate in periods of GPS-denial and integrates to End User Device or legacy serial clients.
Dismounted APNT System
TruTak-M GPS receivers and TruNav-M AJ/GPS receivers provide robust capability enhancement and policy compliance in affordable, easy to integrate form factors using standard, open interfaces.
M-Code User Equipment
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M-CODE Product Family
HalcyonLink™ uses interference cancellation to restore tactical communications links that would otherwise be degraded by interference from co-located EW systems.
Learn more about Next-Generation Ground EW
Assured Beyond Line of Sight Communications
Resilient Command Post
Soldier Tactical Communications
L3Harris has played a critical role in enabling GPS – from the invention of the rubidium atomic clock, to providing the GPS signal from every GPS satellite ever launched.
L3Harris is providing the technology for the next-generation Global Positioning System (GPS), which will provide greater accuracy and more reliable navigation services.
Click to Experience GPS III
Resilient Command Post
L3Harris provides complete command post connectivity in the most austere environments. Our network management systems ensures the data gets through every time.
L3Harris provides Transport Aggregation Gateway (TAG), which is the next evolution in A-PACE capabilities utilizing artificial intelligence through Smart Blending Technology (SBT). The TAG system enables network capabilities beyond existing A-PACE solutions by automatically utilizing all available networks to optimize capacity, without reconfiguration, as communications systems join or leave the network and continues to provide seamless blending of disparate communications links
L3Harris provides mission-critical, secure, high-frequency airborne radio systems that connect seamlessly with space assets, air platforms and ground networks.
Assured Beyond Line of Sight and Beyond Line of Sight Communications
The flexibility of L3Harris’ solutions enable soldiers to deploy multiple Line of Sight (LOS) and Beyond Line of Site (BLOS) communications links to always ensure the message reaches its destination.
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M-CODE Product Family
Bridges the terrestrial and space layer and provides long range, high accuracy, multi-domain sensing, targeting, network, and cloud access for Joint All Domain Operations.
Aerial Layer
Next Generation Architectures
for Force Protection
Real-Time Electronic Attack, “Mako”, SOSA-Aligned CREW transceiver/processor card in development to support both next generation EGON solutions and CMOSS based Cyber Chassis. Capability is designed for maximum band coverage and simultaneity in providing electronic force protection at reduced power levels. Architecture will apply to Fixed Site, Mounted, and Dismounted systems. Open system interfaces provided for third party techniques development.
AN/PRC-158 Manpack
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Portable VSAT Technology
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AN/PRC-158 Manpack
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HAMR-A Radio
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Highband Networking Radio (HNR)
MPM-3000 WIN-T Modem
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AN/PRC-158 Manpack
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Low SWaP Modem
Self-Protection Systems
L3Harris delivers low-risk, affordable integrated mission solutions that will realize the Army’s vision for FVL and multi-domain future. We are a true open systems pioneer with a strong legacy of proven performance and trusted partnership with our customers.
Portable VSAT Technology
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L3Harris is a Trusted Mission Partner – a technology focused team of scientists, engineers, and dedicated professionals backed by an industry leading ~4% Internal Research and Development (IR&D) investment developing innovative solutions for today’s critical missions in support of US Army requirements. Scroll down to learn more about L3Harris milestones and key areas where our IR&D investments are making a difference.
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L3Harris is a Trusted Mission Partner for Today's Critical Mission Needs
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Communications and Data Links
Next Generation Modular Airborne Data Links
L3Harris’ ROVER® 6 transceiver provides real-time, full-motion video and other data for situational awareness, targeting, battle damage assessment, surveillance, relay, convoy overwatch operations and other situations where eyes-on-target are required. Learn more >
Tactical Airborne Radios
L3Harris builds airborne tactical communications solutions with Falcon® and SINCGARS radio technology—combat-proven and customer-trusted to deliver secure, reliable, mission-critical information. Learn more >
Advanced Conformal and Multi-Function Antennas
L3Harris delivers integrated conformal platform antenna solutions optimizing performance for Multiband and Multifunction COMM/NAV systems. Learn more >
Rotary-Wing Electronic Warfare
L3Harris EW technology offers sophisticated sensor fusion for multispectral situational awareness, with self-protect and jamming capabilities for maximum fleet availability and readiness. Learn more >
Small Form Factor Electronic Warfare
Disruptor SRx represents the next generation of EW technology, offering adaptive, reprogrammable multifunctional capability needed to succeed in this changing environment. Learn more >
Carriage and Release Systems
L3Harris carriage and release technology provides the capabilities that allow thousands of U.S. and international aircraft flying today to successfully deliver their mission payloads. Learn more >
Assured Beyond Line of Sight Communications
Soldier Tactical Communications
Resilient Command Post
Link 16
HF Links
Resilient Waveform Suite
L3Harris invites you meet With our product team to learn more about our suite of true resilient and LPI/ LPD waveform capabilities.
Please reach out via the chat bubble in the lower right to learn more and schedule your meeting today.
Soldier Tactical Communications
Easy-to-use soldier communications providing connectivity for IVAS and Nett Warrior at the Edge.
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AN/PRC-158 Manpack
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Low SWaP Modem
Portable VSAT Technology
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RF-7850W (HCLOS)
Roaming and multi-hop relay technologies support sharing of near real-time, high-definition ISR video and data for on-the-move operations in vehicular, maritime and airborne environments.
AN/PRC-158 (Manpack)
AN/PRC-160 (Manpack)
RF-7850W (HCLOS)
HalcyonLink™ uses interference cancellation to restore tactical communications links that would otherwise be degraded by interference from co-located EW systems.
AN/PRC-158 (Manpack)
AN/PRC-160 (Manpack)
RF-7850W (HCLOS)
AN/PRC-160 (Manpack)
The market’s only standalone solution for Beyond-Line-Of-Sight communications in the absence of satellite. Meets new NSA crypto-modernization standard. Software-defined architecture allows encryption updates.
AN/PRC-158 (Manpack)
AN/PRC-160 (Manpack)
RF-7850W (HCLOS)
AN/PRC-158 (Manpack)
NSA certified for voice and data up to Top Secret and delivers superior communications security along with mission flexibility. Compact, powerful and modular, this two-channel solution covers the full 30-2500MHz frequency range and is 30% smaller than similar products.
AN/PRC-158 (Manpack)
AN/PRC-160 (Manpack)
RF-7850W (HCLOS)
Fully mobile, high-bandwidth, long-range, line-of-site connectivity between LANs using highband networking waveform (HNW)POC. Designed for ease and speed-of-use, system is configurable enough for small combat units as well as Army division/brigade/battalion network backbone applications.
AN/PRC-158 (Manpack)
AN/PRC-160 (Manpack)
RF-7850W (HCLOS)
Resilient Command Post
L3Harris provides complete command post connectivity in the most austere environments. Our network management systems ensures the data gets through every time.
L3Harris provides Transport Aggregation Gateway (TAG), which is the next evolution in A-PACE capabilities utilizing artificial intelligence through Smart Blending Technology (SBT). The TAG system enables network capabilities beyond existing A-PACE solutions by automatically utilizing all available networks to optimize capacity, without reconfiguration, as communications systems join or leave the network and continues to provide seamless blending of disparate communications links
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MPM-3000 WIN-T Modem
Highband Networking Radio (HNR)
L3Harris provides mission-critical, secure, high-frequency airborne radio systems that connect seamlessly with space assets, air platforms and ground networks.
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HAMR-A Radio
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AN/PRC-158 Manpack
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Assured Beyond Line of Sight and Beyond Line of Sight Communications
The flexibility of L3Harris’ solutions enable soldiers to deploy multiple Line of Sight (LOS) and Beyond Line of Site (BLOS) communications links to always ensure the message reaches its destination.
AN/PRC-158 Manpack
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Portable VSAT Technology
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Squad Architecture
Synthetic Training
All views networked and fed back to Forward Operating Base
Ground thermal view targeted
Fused view
Ground thermal view inset
Overhead thermal view from air
All-Domain, Live, Virtual Constructive Environments:
Big Top Olympus
Providing soldier/squad overmatch with increased lethality, mobility, protection and situational awareness
Unlimited immersive integrated tactical scenarios using STE VR or ENVG-B in any environment
Realistic virtual reality and ENVG-B embedded synthetic solutions
Command and Control
Situational Awareness
Squad as an Integrated Combat Platform
Providing Solutions for the Adaptive Squad Architecture
Integrated Situational Awareness
Rapid Target Acquisition/AR
Advanced Protection
S/W Enabled Capabilities
Night Vision
Synthetic Training Environment
Squad Support
Decisive Lethality
Providing Solutions for the Adaptive Squad Architecture
Soldier as an Integrated Weapons Platform
Provides an integrated approach to targeting by combining range-finding capability, ballistic computation and environmental sensors that increase the probability of accurate targeting while decreasing the time to engage a threat. The NGSW-FC will support many of the current and future weapon platforms used by the Army.
Next Generation Squad Weapon – Fire Control (NGSW-FC)
Provides soldiers with heightened performance and enhanced visibility at extended range during field maneuvers, surveillance and engagement.
Small Tactical Optical Rifle-Mounted Micro-Laser Rangefinder II
Provides increased performance at reduced Size, Weight and Power (SWaP) along with Near Infrared (NIR) illuminator beam for increased situational awareness.
Next Generation Aiming Laser
Provides the operator more visual information for assessment and acquisition. Rotating binocular design allows low profile against helmet when stowed and ability to use as a single monocular.
AN/PVS-31A BNVD – White Phosphor
Binocular Night Vision Device
Provides aiming and illumination capability in low light and dark conditions by incorporating visible and infrared aiming as well as variable divergence infrared illumination in a small, lightweight and rugged system. Since 2004, L3Harris has shipped more than 256,000 ATPIALs to customers around the world.
Advanced Target Pointer Iluminator Aiming Laser
Delivers mission critical information directly to the eye of the soldier during daytime operations. The L3Harris daytime display can be used as a stand-alone system or coupled with an L3Harris I2 goggle platform for nighttime operations.
Daytime Display
Provides targeting and identification in all battlefield conditions and light levels. Smart battery pack adds wireless communications, Rapid Target Acquisition (RTA) and Augmented Reality (AR). Uses image intensification technology fused with thermal imagery; thereby, bridging the gap in performance and capability for both of these sensors.
Experience ENVG-B
Enhanced Night Vision Goggle - Binocular
Spectrum Monitoring
and Mitigation
Innovative and
Intuitive Robots
Electronic Warfare and
Cyber Capabilities
Automated Recognition and Target Classification
Spectrum Monitoring and Mitigation
L3Harris’ radio frequency (RF) interference monitoring and mitigation systems provide a high-performance, low-risk solution to protecting satellite and terrestrial data from harmful RF interference. With a flexible, software-defined architecture, systems are scalable to respond to expanded spectrum sharing and new interference sources. The single antenna autonomously, automatically and instantly detects and classifies interference from multiple sources.
Electronic Warfare and Cyber Capabilities
CMOSS based Open System designed for tactical multifunction EW operations – Dismounted, Mounted, and Fixed site. Enable the EW Network as a weapon by connecting with the AN/PRC-163 radio to gain network level situational awareness and operation at each node with our application. 3 Slots, MORA radiohead, support, attack, cyber, and denied environment networking functions.
Next Generation Architectures for Force Protection
Real-Time Electronic Attack, “Mako”, SOSA-Aligned CREW transceiver/processor card in development to support both next generation EGON solutions and CMOSS based Cyber Chassis. Capability is designed for maximum band coverage and simultaneity in providing electronic force protection at reduced power levels. Architecture will apply to Fixed Site, Mounted, and Dismounted systems. Open system interfaces provided for third party techniques development.
Innovative and
Intuitive Robotics
L3Harris has created robotic systems with innovative and intuitive haptic control that provides operators with crisp, real-time feedback to enhance situational awareness for robotic manipulation in harsh environments. Our robotic solutions execute a wide range of missions including explosive ordnance disposal; chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosives detection; intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; and hazardous materials clearance.
Automated Target Detection and Classification
When powered by L3Harris’ FarSight Automated Target Detection and Classification processor, our MOSA Counter UAS optimized gimbal enables automated UAS detection and target classification capability with an affordable, modular, and scalable pan/tilt/zoom optical tracking and ranging system. Typical payloads include high-definition (HD) mid-wave infrared continuous zoom cameras, HD color/NIR continuous zoom cameras, and laser range finders.
L3Harris plays a valuable role in national security by ensuring that our men and women in uniform are equipped with the most innovative solutions available. Our directed energy solutions have been deployed in theater to the warfighter. Our systems have successful engagements with a variety of threats and have proven high lethality with proven hit-to-kill. L3Harris beam directors characterized by operation effectiveness, operational suitability and survivability.
The beam director is forward deployable, close to the origin of the threat, and acts as force multiplier by providing early warning of launches and provides the ability to quickly engage and neutralize the threat.
The beam director is part of a weapon system. Our beam director is the “gun” that shoots the laser “bullet.” It is the ruggedized telescope that points and stabilizes the laser beam and keeps it on the moving target. While exposed to all environments, the beam director guides and focuses the lethal laser energy from the large laser source and projects it onto the target.
Proven Directed Energy Performance
Drawing on our heritage of excellence in optics and expertise in modern control techniques, L3Harris’ beam director provides enhanced ISR. Giving warfighters the prosecute targets at greater distance enhancing the ability to detect, recognize and identify targets.
L3Harris’ beam director provides the warfighter a decisive tactical advantage by providing accurate ranging to targets.
Proven Directed Energy Performance
Proven Directed Energy Performance
L3Harris has been setting new standards for the speed and precision of the beam director, enabling the system to engage swarms of UASs. The ability to quickly and precisely project this lethal energy onto maneuvering and fast-moving targets that are difficult to engage with conventional munitions is a critical advantage of laser weapon systems.
Counter Rocket, Artillery, Mortar (C-RAM)
Directed energy weapons have low cost-per-shot and high number of target engagements that can be completed before refueling.
Proven Directed Energy Performance
L3Harris has demonstrated success against rockets, missiles, artillery and mortars. L3Harris beam directors aperture size range from 10cm to 40+cm and can accommodate 10-500kW of laser power.
Superior Situational Awareness to Synchronize Direct Fire Assets
Utilizing secure, assured communications and resilient cybersecurity measures, US Forces are able to effectively destroy all enemy assets by defeating all forms of enemy contact in a multi-domain operational engagement.
Superior Situational Awareness to Synchronize Direct Fire Assets
RCVs and OMFVs continue to communicate without detection; OMFVs can securely maneuver RCVs without detection.
Enhanced Lethality
RCVs provide real-time battle damage assessment (BDA).
Seamless Integration with Long Range Precision Fire Capabilities
Due to COP, targeting through in-direct assets is seamless and lethality is enhanced greatly.
Early Identification of Enemy Assets During Movement to Contact
RCVs are able to pass secure, assured communications between air and ground assets creating a mutually understood common operation picture (COP).
Defeating Multi-Domain Threats Through Standoff and Cyber Resiliency
OMFVs maneuver RCVs through the denied area to identify initial enemy positions. OMFVs and RCVs are able to communicate via LPI/LPD waveform to develop a targeting solution.
Resilient Cybersecurity on Next Generation Combat Vehicles
RCVs maneuver into denied area where enemy forces are positioned in a hasty defense. Enemy conducts broad cyber-attacks, but is denied due to inherent cybersecurity controls.
Commander Sight: Provides vehicle commanders the ability to scan for, identify and track targets (Hunter) independent of the gunner system, hand-off identified threats between target acquisition systems (Killer) or fire weapons autonomously from the commander position.
Gunner Sight: Can identify threats beyond the range of the vehicle’s weapon system, allowing for standoff distance engagements at maximum effective ranges.
The WESCAM MX-GCS is an independent stabilized sighting system ideal for Gunner Sight, Commander Sight, situational awareness missions from Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs) and Main Battle Tanks (MBTs).
Enabling Next Generation C5ISR Capabilities
US forces SP and maneuver to short halt prior to entering denied area.
HalcyonLink™ uses interference cancellation
to restore tactical communications links that
would otherwise be degraded by interference
from co-located EW systems.
Learn more about Next-Generation Ground EW
Modernized Precision Weapons
Ruggedized Sensor Package
and Fuzing
Aerial Layer
Modernized APNT User Equipment
L3H provides innovative and enabling technologies to deliver enhanced lethality across the spectrum of Precision Fires. Advanced fuzing and next generation proximity sensor solutions to support LRPF artillery fires, as well as current Safe & Arm traditional PGK, fuze provider legacy ATACMS missile, and future fuzing for the Precision Strike Missile (PrSM).
Features: Electronic Safe & Arm Devices/Fuzes (ESAD/ESAF), Ignition Safety Devices (ISD), Proximity/Height of Burst (HOB) Sensors
Benefits: Increased reliability and survivability, proven safety for rocket motor ignition, selectable effects for enhanced lethality
Engagement and Fuzing Solutions for Precision Fires
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M-CODE Product Family
L3H’s Modernized GPS Receiver (MGPSR), standalone or coupled with Enhanced Anti-Jam Module, developed to ensure survivability and performance in today’s and the future’s enhanced threat battlefield environments. L3H's solution provides enhanced precision capability for ensuring accurate delivery of munition-to-target, when it counts!
Features: Modernized GPS/ Enhanced Anti-Jam, Advanced PGM APNT, miniaturized, ruggedized, reliable
Benefits: LRPF survivability and performance, enhanced threat environment capable, battlefield hardened
Modernized Precision Weapons
The WESCAM MX™-10D is used by militaries on a global scale for low-altitude tactical surveillance & target acquisition and designation missions requiring low-weight installation flexibility from fixed-wing, rotary-wing, UAV and aerostat platforms.
Features: Supports up to six sensors simultaneously, Superior HD imaging resolution from Electro-Optical (EO) camera, Laser rangefinder, illuminator, designator
Benefits: Fielded and proven performance, Current USG and FMS operational use, production ready
Ruggedized Sensor Package MX™-10
Features: High Performance RLG, MOSA, High Commonality with other Programs
PNA Benefits: Azimuth Probable Error 40% better than Spec, M-Code Upgradeable, Low Life Cycle Cost
DRU-H-R Benefits: High Pointing and Stabilization Accuracy, Easily Upgradable, Low Life Cycle Cost, Extended Firing Range to 70km
The Paladin M109A6 and M109A7 use the Dynamic Reference Unit-Hybrid-Replacement (DRU-H-R) to assist in accurately pointing the vehicles weapon and to navigate the vehicle.
Position Navigation Assembly (PNA) & Dynamic Reference Unit-Hybrid-Replacement (DRU-H-R) for Modernized Warfare
The MLRS (M270 Platform) using the PNA with embedded GPS, is upgradable to meet the M-Code requirements. The HIMARS Missile Launcher platforms use the Upgrades Position Navigation Unit (UPNU) an older version of the PNA with the same functionality.
Features: High Performance RLG, MOSA, High Commonality with other Programs
PNA Benefits: Azimuth Probable Error 40% better than Spec, M-Code Upgradeable, Low Life Cycle Cost
DRU-H-R Benefits: High Pointing and Stabilization Accuracy, Easily Upgradable, Low Life Cycle Cost, Extended Firing Range to 70km
The Paladin M109A6 and M109A7 use the Dynamic Reference Unit-Hybrid-Replacement (DRU-H-R) to assist in accurately pointing the vehicles weapon and to navigate the vehicle.
Bridges the terrestrial and space layer and provides long range, high accuracy, multi-domain sensing, targeting, network, and cloud access for Joint All Domain Operations
Aerial Layer
L3Harris NTS-3 will advance APNT technology across space, ground control, and end-user segments.
L3Harris’s novel integration of electronically-steerable phased-array antennas, flexible waveform generators, and commercial off-the-shelf technologies helped them secure the NTS-3 contract in December 2018.
L3Harris Completes Critical Design Review
L3Harris has played a critical role in enabling GPS – from the invention of the rubidium atomic clock, to providing the GPS signal from every GPS satellite ever launched.
L3Harris is providing the technology for the next-generation Global Positioning System (GPS), which will provide greater accuracy and more reliable navigation services.
Click to Experience GPS III
NTS-3 Experimental Satellite
MAPS generates APNT in severe EW environments faced by ground vehicles. L3Harris supports the General Dynamics MAPS GEN I.X solution with TruNav-M, providing core anti-jam, anti-spoof and M-code GPS tracking capabilities.
Mounted APNT System
DAPS generates APNT in EW environments faced by dismounted users. DAPS hosts the GB-GRAM-M and non-GPS aids able to navigate in periods of GPS-denial and integrates to End User Device or legacy serial clients.
Dismounted APNT System
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M-CODE Product Family
TruTak-M GPS receivers and TruNav-M AJ/GPS receivers provide robust capability enhancement and policy compliance in affordable, easy to integrate form factors using standard, open interfaces.
M-code User Equipment
Body copy 20/24
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L3Harris delivers low-risk, affordable integrated mission solutions that will realize the Army’s vision for FVL and multi-domain future. We are a true open systems pioneer with a strong legacy of proven performance and trusted partnership with our customers.
Self-Protection Systems
Air Launch Effects (ALE)
Communications & Data Links
Advanced Avionics
About FVR
Rotary-Wing Electronic Warfare
L3Harris EW technology offers sophisticated sensor fusion for multispectral situational awareness, with self-protect and jamming capabilities for maximum fleet availability and readiness. Learn more >
Small Form Factor Electronic Warfare
Disruptor SRx represents the next generation of EW technology, offering adaptive, reprogrammable multifunctional capability needed to succeed in this changing environment. Learn more >
Carriage and Release Systems
L3Harris carriage and release technology provides the capabilities that allow thousands of U.S. and international aircraft flying today to successfully deliver their mission payloads. Learn more >
Self-Protection Systems
Air Launch Effects (ALE)
L3Harris is delivering an advanced UAS capable of supporting FVL platforms in highly contested areas. ALE embraces MOSA and advanced capabilities to bring fused capability to support Army all-domain operations.
Communications and Data Links
Next Generation Modular Airborne Data Links
L3Harris’ ROVER® 6 transceiver provides real-time, full-motion video and other data for situational awareness, targeting, battle damage assessment, surveillance, relay, convoy overwatch operations and other situations where eyes-on-target are required. Learn more >
Tactical Airborne Radios
L3Harris builds airborne tactical communications solutions with Falcon® and SINCGARS radio technology—combat-proven and customer-trusted to deliver secure, reliable, mission-critical information. Learn more >
Advanced Conformal and Multi-Function Antennas
L3Harris delivers integrated conformal platform antenna solutions optimizing performance for Multiband and Multifunction COMM/NAV systems. Learn more >
Advanced Avionics
L3Harris brings true Modular Open Systems Architecture (MOSA) avionics to FVL, eliminating vendor lock, driving affordability and setting the stage for future capability advancements.
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Multi-Function Processing
L3Harris brings over 35 years of innovative mission systems processing and networking experience to integrated core processors for combat aircraft. Learn more >
Airborne Surveillance and Reconnaissance
Providing forces with an advantage in any low-visibility/no-visibility environment, L3Harris has introduced higher sensitivity EO/IR cameras in their WESCAM MX airborne product line.
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Ultra-High Definition, Day/Night Multifunction Displays
L3Harris’ self-contained, fault-tolerant, multifunction display provides an optimal balance of exceptional performance, life-cycle affordability, low risk, and long-term supportability. Learn more >
High-Performing Digital Mapping
FliteScene is a real-time high-performance digital mapping solution that can support any platform with advanced features. Learn more >
Data Storage & Common Data Loader
The L3Harris CDL is a ruggedized storage system designed for use in military and commercial aviation applications. Learn more >
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L3Harris delivers low-risk, affordable integrated mission solutions that will realize the Army’s vision for FVL and multi-domain future. We are a true open systems pioneer with a strong legacy of proven performance and trusted partnership with our customers.
Self-Protection Systems
Air Launch Effects (ALE)
& Data Links
About FVR
Rotary-Wing Electronic Warfare
L3Harris EW technology offers sophisticated sensor fusion for multispectral situational awareness, with self-protect and jamming capabilities for maximum fleet availability and readiness. Learn more >
Small Form Factor Electronic Warfare
Disruptor SRx represents the next generation of EW technology, offering adaptive, reprogrammable multifunctional capability needed to succeed in this changing environment. Learn more >
Carriage and Release Systems
L3Harris carriage and release technology provides the capabilities that allow thousands of U.S. and international aircraft flying today to successfully deliver their mission payloads. Learn more >
Self-Protection Systems
Air Launch Effects (ALE)
L3Harris is delivering an advanced UAS capable of supporting FVL platforms in highly contested areas. ALE embraces MOSA and advanced capabilities to bring fused capability to support Army all-domain operations.
Communications and Data Links
Next Generation Modular
Airborne Data Links
L3Harris’ ROVER® 6 transceiver
provides real-time, full-motion
video and other data for
situational awareness, targeting,
battle damage assessment,
surveillance, relay, convoy
overwatch operations and other
situations where eyes-on-target
are required. Learn more >
Tactical Airborne Radios
L3Harris builds airborne tactical communications solutions with Falcon® and SINCGARS radio technology—combat-proven and customer-trusted to deliver secure, reliable, mission-critical information. Learn more >
Advanced Conformal and Multi-Function Antennas
L3Harris delivers integrated conformal platform antenna solutions optimizing performance for Multiband and Multifunction COMM/NAV systems. Learn more >
Advanced Avionics
L3Harris brings true Modular
Open Systems Architecture
(MOSA) avionics to FVL,
eliminating vendor lock,
driving affordability and setting
the stage for future capability
advancements. Learn more >
Multi-Function Processing
L3Harris brings over 35 years of
innovative mission systems
processing and networking
experience to integrated core
processors for combat aircraft.
Learn more >
Airborne Surveillance
and Reconnaissance
Providing forces with an advantage in any low-visibility/no-visibility environment, L3Harris has introduced higher sensitivity EO/IR cameras in their WESCAM MX airborne product line.
Learn more >
Ultra-High Definition, Day/Night Multifunction Displays
L3Harris’ self-contained, fault-tolerant, multifunction display provides an optimal balance of exceptional performance, life-cycle affordability, low risk, and long-term supportability. Learn more >
High-Performing Digital Mapping
FliteScene is a real-time high-performance digital mapping solution that can support any platform with advanced features. Learn more >
Data Storage & Common Data Loader
The L3Harris CDL is a ruggedized storage system designed for use in military and commercial aviation applications. Learn more >
Assured Beyond Line of Sight Communications
Soldier Tactical Communications
Resilient Command Post
Link 16
HF Links
Soldier Tactical Communications
Easy-to-use soldier communications providing connectivity for IVAS and Nett Warrior at the Edge.
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AN/PRC-158 Manpack
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Low SWaP Modem
Portable VSAT Technology
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Resilient Waveform Suite
L3Harris invites you meet With our product team to learn more about our suite of true resilient and LPI/ LPD waveform capabilities.
Please reach out via the chat bubble in the lower right to learn more and schedule your meeting today.
RF-7850W (HCLOS)
Roaming and multi-hop relay technologies support sharing of near real-time, high-definition ISR video and data for on-the-move operations in vehicular, maritime and airborne environments.
AN/PRC-158 (Manpack)
AN/PRC-160 (Manpack)
RF-7850W (HCLOS)
HalcyonLink™ uses interference cancellation to restore tactical communications links that would otherwise be degraded by interference from co-located EW systems.
AN/PRC-158 (Manpack)
AN/PRC-160 (Manpack)
RF-7850W (HCLOS)
AN/PRC-160 (Manpack)
The market’s only standalone solution for Beyond-Line-Of-Sight communications in the absence of satellite. Meets new NSA crypto-modernization standard. Software-defined architecture allows encryption updates.
AN/PRC-158 (Manpack)
AN/PRC-160 (Manpack)
RF-7850W (HCLOS)
AN/PRC-158 (Manpack)
NSA certified for voice and data up to Top Secret and delivers superior communications security along with mission flexibility. Compact, powerful and modular, this two-channel solution covers the full 30-2500MHz frequency range and is 30% smaller than similar products.
AN/PRC-158 (Manpack)
AN/PRC-160 (Manpack)
RF-7850W (HCLOS)
Fully mobile, high-bandwidth, long-range, line-of-site connectivity between LANs using highband networking waveform (HNW)POC. Designed for ease and speed-of-use, system is configurable enough for small combat units as well as Army division/brigade/battalion network backbone applications.
AN/PRC-158 (Manpack)
AN/PRC-160 (Manpack)
RF-7850W (HCLOS)
Resilient Command Post
L3Harris provides complete command post connectivity in the most austere environments. Our network management systems ensures the data gets through every time.
L3Harris provides Transport Aggregation Gateway (TAG), which is the next evolution in A-PACE capabilities utilizing artificial intelligence through Smart Blending Technology (SBT). The TAG system enables network capabilities beyond existing A-PACE solutions by automatically utilizing all available networks to optimize capacity, without reconfiguration, as communications systems join or leave the network and continues to provide seamless blending of disparate communications links
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MPM-3000 WIN-T Modem
Highband Networking Radio (HNR)
L3Harris provides mission-critical, secure, high-frequency airborne radio systems that connect seamlessly with space assets, air platforms and ground networks.
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HAMR-A Radio
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AN/PRC-158 Manpack
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Assured Beyond Line of Sight and Beyond Line of Sight Communications
The flexibility of L3Harris’ solutions enable soldiers to deploy multiple Line of Sight (LOS) and Beyond Line of Site (BLOS) communications links to always ensure the message reaches its destination.
AN/PRC-158 Manpack
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Portable VSAT Technology
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Squad Architecture
Synthetic Training
All views networked and fed back to Forward Operating Base
Ground thermal view targeted
Fused view
Ground thermal view inset
Overhead thermal view from air
All-Domain, Live,
Virtual Constructive Environments:
Big Top Olympus
Providing soldier/squad overmatch with increased lethality, mobility, protection and situational awareness
Unlimited immersive integrated tactical scenarios using STE VR or ENVG-B in any environment
Realistic virtual reality and ENVG-B embedded synthetic solutions
Command and Control
Situational Awareness
Squad as an Integrated Combat Platform
Providing Solutions for the Adaptive Squad Architecture
Integrated Situational Awareness
Rapid Target Acquisition/AR
Advanced Protection
S/W Enabled Capabilities
Night Vision
Synthetic Training Environment
Squad Support
Decisive Lethality
Providing Solutions for the Adaptive Squad Architecture
Soldier as an Integrated Weapons Platform
Provides an integrated approach to targeting by combining range-finding capability, ballistic computation and environmental sensors that increase the probability of accurate targeting while decreasing the time to engage a threat. The NGSW-FC will support many of the current and future weapon platforms used by the Army.
Next Generation Squad Weapon – Fire Control (NGSW-FC)
Provides soldiers with heightened performance and enhanced visibility at extended range during field maneuvers, surveillance and engagement.
Small Tactical Optical Rifle-Mounted Micro-Laser Rangefinder II
Provides increased performance at reduced Size, Weight and Power (SWaP) along with Near Infrared (NIR) illuminator beam for increased situational awareness.
Next Generation Aiming Laser
Provides the operator more visual information for assessment and acquisition. Rotating binocular design allows low profile against helmet when stowed and ability to use as a single monocular.
AN/PVS-31A BNVD – White Phosphor
Binocular Night Vision Device
Provides aiming and illumination capability in low light and dark conditions by incorporating visible and infrared aiming as well as variable divergence infrared illumination in a small, lightweight and rugged system. Since 2004, L3Harris has shipped more than 256,000 ATPIALs to customers around the world.
Advanced Target Pointer Iluminator Aiming Laser
Delivers mission critical information directly to the eye of the soldier during daytime operations. The L3Harris daytime display can be used as a stand-alone system or coupled with an L3Harris I2 goggle platform for nighttime operations.
Daytime Display
Provides targeting and identification in all battlefield conditions and light levels. Smart battery pack adds wireless communications, Rapid Target Acquisition (RTA) and Augmented Reality (AR). Uses image intensification technology fused with thermal imagery; thereby, bridging the gap in performance and capability for both of these sensors.
Experience ENVG-B
Enhanced Night Vision Goggle - Binocular
Spectrum Monitoring
and Mitigation
Innovative and
Intuitive Robots
Electronic Warfare and
Cyber Capabilities
Automated Recognition and Target Classification
Spectrum Monitoring and Mitigation
L3Harris’ radio frequency (RF) interference monitoring and mitigation systems provide a high-performance, low-risk solution to protecting satellite and terrestrial data from harmful RF interference. With a flexible, software-defined architecture, systems are scalable to respond to expanded spectrum sharing and new interference sources. The single antenna autonomously, automatically and instantly detects and classifies interference from multiple sources.
Electronic Warfare and Cyber Capabilities
CMOSS based Open System designed for tactical multifunction EW operations – Dismounted, Mounted, and Fixed site. Enable the EW Network as a weapon by connecting with the AN/PRC-163 radio to gain network level situational awareness and operation at each node with our application. 3 Slots, MORA radiohead, support, attack, cyber, and denied environment networking functions.
Next Generation Architectures for Force Protection
Real-Time Electronic Attack, “Mako”, SOSA-Aligned CREW transceiver/processor card in development to support both next generation EGON solutions and CMOSS based Cyber Chassis. Capability is designed for maximum band coverage and simultaneity in providing electronic force protection at reduced power levels. Architecture will apply to Fixed Site, Mounted, and Dismounted systems. Open system interfaces provided for third party techniques development.
Innovative and
Intuitive Robotics
L3Harris has created robotic systems with innovative and intuitive haptic control that provides operators with crisp, real-time feedback to enhance situational awareness for robotic manipulation in harsh environments. Our robotic solutions execute a wide range of missions including explosive ordnance disposal; chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosives detection; intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; and hazardous materials clearance.
Automated Target Detection and Classification
When powered by L3Harris’ FarSight Automated Target Detection and Classification processor, our MOSA Counter UAS optimized gimbal enables automated UAS detection and target classification capability with an affordable, modular, and scalable pan/tilt/zoom optical tracking and ranging system. Typical payloads include high-definition (HD) mid-wave infrared continuous zoom cameras, HD color/NIR continuous zoom cameras, and laser range finders.
Proven Directed Energy Performance
L3Harris plays a valuable role in national security by ensuring that our men and women in uniform are equipped with the most innovative solutions available. Our directed energy solutions have been deployed in theater to the warfighter. Our systems have successful engagements with a variety of threats and have proven high lethality with proven hit-to-kill. L3Harris beam directors characterized by operation effectiveness, operational suitability and survivability.
The beam director is forward deployable, close to the origin of the threat, and acts as force multiplier by providing early warning of launches and provides the ability to quickly engage and neutralize the threat.
The beam director is part of a weapon system. Our beam director is the “gun” that shoots the laser “bullet.” It is the ruggedized telescope that points and stabilizes the laser beam and keeps it on the moving target. While exposed to all environments, the beam director guides and focuses the lethal laser energy from the large laser source and projects it onto the target.
Proven Directed Energy Performance
Drawing on our heritage of excellence in optics and expertise in modern control techniques, L3Harris’ beam director provides enhanced ISR. Giving warfighters the prosecute targets at greater distance enhancing the ability to detect, recognize and identify targets.
L3Harris’ beam director provides the warfighter a decisive tactical advantage by providing accurate ranging to targets.
Proven Directed Energy Performance
L3Harris has been setting new standards for the speed and precision of the beam director, enabling the system to engage swarms of UASs. The ability to quickly and precisely project this lethal energy onto maneuvering and fast-moving targets that are difficult to engage with conventional munitions is a critical advantage of laser weapon systems.
Counter Rocket, Artillery, Mortar (C-RAM)
Directed energy weapons have low cost-per-shot and high number of target engagements that can be completed before refueling.
Proven Directed Energy Performance
L3Harris has demonstrated success against rockets, missiles, artillery and mortars. L3Harris beam directors aperture size range from 10cm to 40+cm and can accommodate 10-500kW of laser power.
Superior Situational Awareness to Synchronize Direct Fire Assets
Utilizing secure, assured communications and resilient cybersecurity measures, US Forces are able to effectively destroy all enemy assets by defeating all forms of enemy contact in a multi-domain operational engagement.
Superior Situational Awareness to Synchronize Direct Fire Assets
RCVs and OMFVs continue to communicate without detection; OMFVs can securely maneuver RCVs without detection.
Enhanced Lethality
RCVs provide real-time battle damage assessment (BDA).
Seamless Integration with Long Range Precision Fire Capabilities
Due to COP, targeting through in-direct assets is seamless and lethality is enhanced greatly.
Early Identification of Enemy Assets During Movement to Contact
RCVs are able to pass secure, assured communications between air and ground assets creating a mutually understood common operation picture (COP).
Defeating Multi-Domain Threats Through Standoff and Cyber Resiliency
OMFVs maneuver RCVs through the denied area to identify initial enemy positions. OMFVs and RCVs are able to communicate via LPI/LPD waveform to develop a targeting solution.
Resilient Cybersecurity on Next Generation Combat Vehicles
RCVs maneuver into denied area where enemy forces are positioned in a hasty defense. Enemy conducts broad cyber-attacks, but is denied due to inherent cybersecurity controls.
Commander Sight: Provides vehicle commanders the ability to scan for, identify and track targets (Hunter) independent of the gunner system, hand-off identified threats between target acquisition systems (Killer) or fire weapons autonomously from the commander position.
Gunner Sight: Can identify threats beyond the range of the vehicle’s weapon system, allowing for standoff distance engagements at maximum effective ranges.
The WESCAM MX-GCS is an independent stabilized sighting system ideal for Gunner Sight, Commander Sight, situational awareness missions from Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs) and Main Battle Tanks (MBTs).
Enabling Next Generation C5ISR Capabilities
US forces SP and maneuver to short halt prior to entering denied area.
HalcyonLink™ uses interference cancellation to restore tactical communications links that would otherwise be degraded by interference from co-located EW systems.
Learn more about Next-Generation
Ground EW
Modernized Precision Weapons
Ruggedized Sensor Package
and Fuzing
Aerial Layer
Modernized APNT User Equipment
L3H provides innovative and enabling technologies to deliver enhanced lethality across the spectrum of Precision Fires. Advanced fuzing and next generation proximity sensor solutions to support LRPF artillery fires, as well as current Safe & Arm traditional PGK, fuze provider legacy ATACMS missile, and future fuzing for the Precision Strike Missile (PrSM).
Features: Electronic Safe & Arm Devices/Fuzes (ESAD/ESAF), Ignition Safety Devices (ISD), Proximity/Height of Burst (HOB) Sensors
Benefits: Increased reliability and survivability, proven safety for rocket motor ignition, selectable effects for enhanced lethality
Engagement and Fuzing Solutions for Precision Fires
Click to View the
M-CODE Product Family
L3H’s Modernized GPS Receiver (MGPSR), standalone or coupled with Enhanced Anti-Jam Module, developed to ensure survivability and performance in today’s and the future’s enhanced threat battlefield environments. L3H's solution provides enhanced precision capability for ensuring accurate delivery of munition-to-target, when it counts!
Features: Modernized GPS/ Enhanced Anti-Jam, Advanced PGM APNT, miniaturized, ruggedized, reliable
Benefits: LRPF survivability and performance, enhanced threat environment capable, battlefield hardened
Modernized Precision Weapons
The WESCAM MX™-10D is used by militaries on a global scale for low-altitude tactical surveillance & target acquisition and designation missions requiring low-weight installation flexibility from fixed-wing, rotary-wing, UAV and aerostat platforms.
Features: Supports up to six sensors simultaneously, Superior HD imaging resolution from Electro-Optical (EO) camera, Laser rangefinder, illuminator, designator
Benefits: Fielded and proven performance, Current USG and FMS operational use, production ready
Ruggedized Sensor Package MX™-10
Features: High Performance RLG, MOSA, High Commonality with other Programs
PNA Benefits: Azimuth Probable Error 40% better than Spec, M-Code Upgradeable, Low Life Cycle Cost
DRU-H-R Benefits: High Pointing and Stabilization Accuracy, Easily Upgradable, Low Life Cycle Cost, Extended Firing Range to 70km
The Paladin M109A6 and M109A7 use the Dynamic Reference Unit-Hybrid-Replacement (DRU-H-R) to assist in accurately pointing the vehicles weapon and to navigate the vehicle.
Position Navigation Assembly (PNA) & Dynamic Reference Unit-Hybrid-Replacement (DRU-H-R) for Modernized Warfare
The MLRS (M270 Platform) using the PNA with embedded GPS, is upgradable to meet the M-Code requirements. The HIMARS Missile Launcher platforms use the Upgrades Position Navigation Unit (UPNU) an older version of the PNA with the same functionality.
Features: High Performance RLG, MOSA, High Commonality with other Programs
PNA Benefits: Azimuth Probable Error 40% better than Spec, M-Code Upgradeable, Low Life Cycle Cost
DRU-H-R Benefits: High Pointing and Stabilization Accuracy, Easily Upgradable, Low Life Cycle Cost, Extended Firing Range to 70km
The Paladin M109A6 and M109A7 use the Dynamic Reference Unit-Hybrid-Replacement (DRU-H-R) to assist in accurately pointing the vehicles weapon and to navigate the vehicle.
Bridges the terrestrial and space layer and provides long range, high accuracy, multi-domain sensing, targeting, network, and cloud access for Joint All Domain Operations
Aerial Layer
L3Harris NTS-3 will advance APNT technology across space, ground control, and end-user segments.
L3Harris’s novel integration of electronically-steerable phased-array antennas, flexible waveform generators, and commercial off-the-shelf technologies helped them secure the NTS-3 contract in December 2018.
L3Harris Completes Critical Design Review
L3Harris has played a critical role in enabling GPS – from the invention of the rubidium atomic clock, to providing the GPS signal from every GPS satellite ever launched.
L3Harris is providing the technology for the next-generation Global Positioning System (GPS), which will provide greater accuracy and more reliable navigation services.
Click to Experience GPS III
NTS-3 Experimental Satellite
MAPS generates APNT in severe EW environments faced by ground vehicles. L3Harris supports the General Dynamics MAPS GEN I.X solution with TruNav-M, providing core anti-jam, anti-spoof and M-code GPS tracking capabilities.
Mounted APNT System
DAPS generates APNT in EW environments faced by dismounted users. DAPS hosts the GB-GRAM-M and non-GPS aids able to navigate in periods of GPS-denial and integrates to End User Device or legacy serial clients.
Dismounted APNT System
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M-CODE Product Family
TruTak-M GPS receivers and TruNav-M AJ/GPS receivers provide robust capability enhancement and policy compliance in affordable, easy to integrate form factors using standard, open interfaces.
M-code User Equipment
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